Keeping up with steady publishing

I have made quite few videos for my YouTube channel and I have published them on the Sunday morning. There are two videos waiting for publishing and I have on my computer at least three waiting for me to get them done. But enough of that. 

First is regional route 120, which goes from Helsinki to Vihti. It starts from the Haaga and ends in the Vihti where regional route 120 connects to National road 2. It used to be a part of the National road 2, but due being quite hilly, winding and full of visual obstacles, it was no longer considered to meet the requirements of the highway in the 1960s.

Now I drove this from the Vihti to Helsinki, since past the Ring road 3, regional road gets two lanes and is part of the city infrastructure. This way you can enjoy whole winding and hilly road first.

The second video is a part of the Archipelago ring road most of the part. It's a regional route 192 that goes from Raisio to Kustavi. It starts from Raisio, intersection with National road 8 and ends in Vuosnainen harbour in Kustavi, from where there is a ferry connection to Brändö, Åland.

There is a ferry connection between Vartsala and Kustavi. The distance is 952 meters.  

Third video follows regional route 186, that goes from Salo to Inkoo harbour.

While driving I noticed quite much wind damages to the trees that have fallen on the road or on the banks of the road.
